October 2022 Horoscope



You are not weak if you want to be in a committed relationship, Aries. It does, however, provide a challenge to the solitary, independent life you have had up until this time. A strong, long-lasting partnership requires the ability to function independently, and the connection you have with yourself beautifully exemplifies this. Your capacity to love someone else while preserving your relationship with yourself will be put to the test now. Understanding that no relationship is flawless will prevent you from avoiding even minor annoyances. Your deliberate effort and attention are required here. This encounter has the potential to lead to a significant internal shift if you let yourself be fully exposed.


This month, committed partnerships in love and business will be very important in your life. You may avoid combining your personal and professional lives by keeping in mind that they should remain separate. The days of needing to choose between work and love are over, Taurus. The question is whether you have the courage to surf this wave now that the season for feeling stable outside of the efforts you undertake has started. Your professional relationships will give you the freedom to let down your guard and approach your love life with enthusiasm and excitement. A mantra to help you get through periods of doubt is to accept that you are a sensuous being with a great capacity for love and love in return.


Gemini is frequently recognized for having a logical attitude, but it is very infrequently acknowledged for having intuitive skills. Similar to intuition, creativity is a power that is only available when we are living in accordance with our truth. You will get over your fear when you discover the joy in sharing your creative side and the products of it with the people you trust. Hiding your artistic triumphs out of fear is a great disservice to both you and the rest of the world. Consider it this way: what you produce is medicine for people who require exposure to it. Keeping it private simply delays their potential to heal thanks to what you can provide the world.


Now is the time to receive your bouquet, Cancer. We have taken note of the time you have put in. Despite the fact that the job you have done speaks for itself, those who know you are aware of how important your family life is to you. The fact that you would make accommodations for a more rigorous work schedule indicates how essential your work is to you. The justification was short-term sacrifices for long-term benefits, and it is now beginning to pay off. The icing on the cake is that you may spend as much time as you like with your close friends and family now that you are at the reaping stage of the work you have performed. Remove the top button, then take a deep breath and relax. You merit it.


The ship you call life has been propelled by adventure to learn about the size of the planet in which you live. Your journey has been worthwhile, but being away from familiar surroundings has brought on homesickness, giving you the strange feeling of wanting to travel while experiencing periods of nostalgia. What's remarkable about this—and perhaps even perplexing—is that most of your journey was internal; you never actually left where you were, yet you still feel like you've traveled far. There's no need to overthink your sense of estrangement, Leo; it's quite normal. Visit the people, places, or things that make you feel at home to help you regain your sense of stability. You're secure!


Virgo, be kind to yourself. It takes some time to release deeply ingrained conditioning! Our society has taught us to utilize our outward look as a means of establishing our identity and justification for being worthy. Numerous people have been touched by this indoctrination in various ways. Being one of them shouldn't make you feel horrible about yourself or any other person. Just a nice reminder that your innate worthiness is deeper than the surface. Let this reality sink in and dispel any self-doubt you might be experiencing. You are urged to discover your affinity for yourself this month. By doing this, you can learn to justify your own worth so that you stop needing external validation. You can do this!


Libra, welcome back to the world. You were missed! How did you spend your time alone? What have you discovered about yourself and the world? These inquiries will be on the minds of your loved ones who missed you the most as you re-emerge into the world. By living out what you have learned and setting an example, you may effectively respond to their queries. This practice can be made sustainable by developing a self-care routine that nurtures your mind, body, and soul through actions like spending quality time with you, repeating encouraging mantras, and consuming healthy foods. In this manner, you can support your loved ones without jeopardizing your relationship with yourself.


You've been testing your ability to cope with the mounting obligations on your plate by putting yourself through a venting process. Even if you frequently succeed, you still feel the need to test your self-efficacy because the paralyzing fear of failing keeps hanging in the back of your mind. Ironically, you have attracted admirers who are impressed by your accomplishments and work ethic, but for some reason you are unable to recognize what they see—a responsible and capable individual who has the ability to move mountains with the smallest prod. The one thing that you struggle with the most as a Scorpio is trust. Accept the fact that your years of practice have enabled you to readily create results at a high level.


Your voice is strong, and the buzz around your name has attracted additional attention because of your creative endeavors. Even though it's wonderful to be noticed, a part of you is feeling tired by the increased socializing, which has made you want to withdraw. If you don't shift your perspective, this mental dissonance has the capacity to fill your head with fabricated ideas that you come off as ungrateful, which will create the ideal conditions for self-undoing. Sagittarius, you are so perceptive—perception is everything! Take action to change your energy. You may transform the anxiety you're experiencing into excitement by pausing to gather your thoughts and refocus so you can tackle your current circumstance from a position of empowerment. Can you strike a balance?


Capricorn, how does it feel to be back in your comfort zone? You've experienced a tornado of new perspectives during the past few months that have forced you outside of your comfort zone. Now that you are in comfortable surroundings, it is time to get back to work and put what you have learned into practice. Realizing that sustaining your private life is just as vital as developing your public life is one change you must make going forward. Your personal and professional life are mirror images of one another; when one is out of balance, the other is too. By remembering to respect your boundaries more intentionally, keeping your personal life in mind while you look at your business life will help you avoid overworking yourself. Growing your team will be beneficial.


Congratulations, Aquarius! You have ascended the ladder of personal growth and begun a new phase of life that calls for you to let go of the known and embrace the unfamiliar. It is reasonable to feel unprepared for this new phase, but any imposter feeling will go away once you realize that you are where you are for a purpose. To improve your existing comprehension of life as a whole, this month asks you to experientially investigate your spirituality and the world around you. If you stay light and unattached from any specific person, place, or outcome, you will have the opportunity to answer questions that have been building up in your mind. Let the cosmos take you by surprise!


Do you feel secure, Pisces? Living little is simply not big enough; it's time you stepped into who you are without apology! The finest thing you could have done for your present and future selves was to get away from the people and circumstances that not only depleted your precious energy but also couldn't manage your light at full strength. People who care about you want you to succeed because you are a living example of what resilience looks like. This month, take some time to reflect on your progress because it is simple to overlook the little things, but it is important to keep in mind that they do matter. Every choice you have made has aided you in reaching this point.

Happy reading 😊

From your EN/Int’l Smeet Astrologer AcC3sS D3n!3d <3

Reference: https://www.slice.ca/october-2022-horoscopes-what-may-come-your-way-this-month/

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