The third round is all about Teamwork! Gather up with your fellow sMeeters, and take a Group photo together, consisting of at least 8 people, at a Music Festival of your choice!
The winner of this round will be decided by your music festival outfits and your sense to style for such an occasion. Use your imagination and surprise our admin judges with fun poses and creative formations. Send the screenshot of your Music Festival Group Photo (including the sMeet names and user IDs of all participants) to or upload it on Instagram using #SmeetGames by Thursday 23.03.2023.
SPECIAL RULE CHANGE! - For Round 3, the number of Spring Games Points on offer will DOUBLE! This is a great chance for your domain to put you in a strong position going into the Spring Party!
Round 3 Rewards:
1. Place: A special reward for the group photo participants and 6 Points for the Domain
2. Place: A special reward for the group photo participants and 4 Points for the Domain
3. Place: A special reward for the group photo participants and 2 Points for the Domain
Good luck!