What´s new in version 103.20.680 (Windows)/ 103.20.495 (MacOS)

Dear sMeeters,

we are happy to inform you that we have the following updates:

  • Solved Coins Reward issue when watching ads,
  • General quality and performance improvements,
  • Various Bug Fixes.

How to update the sMeet Desktop App?

In order to update the app you don´t need to uninstall and reinstall it.
Just download the newest version to your computer.


Double-click on the newly downloaded sMeet.exe file and the newest version will be installed.



You might get this information when you install the Desktop App:

In order to install the Smeet Desktop App click on “More Info”

More Infos

On the second screen just click on “Run anyway”

Run anway

Now you can just install the game!

Happy Smeeting!
