October 2023 Horoscope
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
You want to be in a new month, a new me attitude after feeling down for the whole of September, but you're largely simply fatigued. Everyone needs something from you, but because you aren't getting anything in return, your burnout peaks around the 4th. Once your ruling planet Mars enters Scorpio on the 12th, a potent step toward change and reconciliation, you regain control. You now have the drive to finish up those challenging duties that were put off while you were sick. Although what you're doing isn't enjoyable or simple, it is incredibly effective, and you can have faith that a complete rejuvenation is on the horizon. This month you spend a lot of time on relationships, but it's not all good. It seems like everything needs to be planned since connections are constantly getting lost. Maintaining relationships with those who drain your energy is pointless. Once Mars enters Scorpio on the 12th, your negotiation power will be strong if you're going to take out a loan, refinance your mortgage, or execute a balance transfer. Another windfall or career chance follows the lunar eclipse in Taurus on the 28th, which builds on what you've been doing since the fall.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Since June, there has been a lot of growth and development in your relationship with your home and family, which has been bittersweet, to say the least. Your ruling planet Venus enters Virgo and your pleasure sector on the eighth, marking the end of this era. You get to concentrate on relationships, creativity, and nourishing your inner kid (or inner adolescent) for the upcoming several weeks. On the 28th, a lunar eclipse falls in your sign, forcing you to move outside of your comfort zone once more. However, after two years of growing pains, you are more than ready to take on this task. If you're single, Venus' entry into your pleasure sector on the eighth places a renewed emphasis on your love life. Especially on the 22nd and 31st, you're prepared to get back on the apps and make an impression. Your top focus this month is relationships of all types, especially after the Scorpio season starts on the 23rd. Although it feels good to be needed, remember to take time for yourself as well. You’re being frugal and saving money for a huge ambition, not because you have extra costs this month. Budget-friendly enjoyment is still possible, though! To make the month feel glam despite a lack of funds, schedule some inexpensive date evenings and cute park outings with friends.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Although there is some heavy and fated energy in the air, October gives you the chance to express your lighthearted and creative side. You devoted a large portion of August and September to searching the archives, evaluating your foundation, and confronting your past. You're now prepared to channel your hurt feelings into art and let go of the past so you can live a fulfilling love life. When Scorpio season starts on the 23rd, your work life takes precedence as you take on more customers, increase your workload at your day job, or step up your job search. This month, romance is in the air for you, but are these relationships destined to last? On the other hand, someone who seems like just a hot date and nothing more could get serious sooner than you anticipate. Someone you are very enthused about might turn out to be a dud. Be on the lookout for sudden developments leading up to the solar eclipse on the 14th.It pours when it rains. Twice a year, the eclipse season is a tumultuous time for your finances. Around the time of the solar eclipse on the 14th, expenses can empty your bank account, but a windfall at the lunar eclipse on the 28th makes up the difference. Though making dangerous financial decisions might feel right at the time, you should reconsider before going over budget since in these charged times, inclinations can be transient.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Although Libra season is often your cozy-at-home season, there are some tectonic developments this year. The relationships of your family are shifting, whether it's due to aging parents, distance from siblings, or unrelenting drama. You're also debating if you ought to abandon everything you own and move into a tiny house in its place. The 14th solar eclipse in Libra is a time for purging, decluttering, and shrinking. The lunar eclipse on the 28th gives you a fresh opportunity to connect and make a difference in your community. Scorpio season officially starts on the 23rd, putting you in your most fun period of the year. Your most romantic period of the year begins on the 23rd with the Scorpio season. Leave it to you to meet the love of your life at a Halloween party while dressed as a corn on the cob. If you're in a relationship, now is a fantastic time to maintain your vows to each other, plan vacations, and set goals for the upcoming year. You’re thinking about the tiny home trend because you think your existing house is a money sink. You reach your height of defeat around the solar eclipse on the 14th whether it is because you pay too much rent or have to make continuous repairs to the foundation. Once the Scorpio season starts on the 23rd, you'll have more money and be able to spend more on experiences and pleasures.
Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)
On the eighth, Venus completes her extensive tour of your sign, bringing to an end four months of image-enhancing and identity-purifying activities. You genuinely feel like a different person in October, and while you are filled with newfound confidence, you are also finding it difficult to fit into social groupings that you have outgrown. Even though this is typically your busiest time of year, you have a much lighter schedule this year since you declined invites, left group chats, and focused primarily on genuine relationships. You are especially influenced around the time of the solar eclipse in Libra on the 14th when you realize these value discrepancies, which can be painful. You're prepared to hibernate and go into full-on homebody mode once the Scorpio season starts on the 23rd. Even though you generally have at least a few people to flirt with, there are no casual relationships this month. If you're single, your goal is to find a transformative mate, and if you're already in a relationship, you're working hard in couple's therapy to address the underlying issues. Spending less money is a benefit of having fewer social responsibilities! Take some time after the solar eclipse on the 14th to cancel any unused subscriptions and make room for fresh interests. On the 22nd, the focus you require to pay off some debt and get your spending under control appears, so seize the opportunity while it lasts.
Virgo (August 23 - September 23)
For you, the vibes of this month's cleansing are quite literal. You've spent the months of August and September readjusting your self-image and putting your health first, and now you're prepared to get rid of everything that doesn't work with this improved version of you. The first few weeks of the month are dedicated to organizing your closets, going on a sentimental journey through past fashions and identities, and expressing gratitude to the objects for their service (as Marie Kondo advises as part of the decluttering process!). Take all the garbage bags out to the curb on the 14th and don't look back. This is the day of the solar eclipse. On the 10th, Pluto stations directly in your sector of pleasure, causing obsessive amorous sensations and possibly luring you into a pit of comparison and hopelessness. On the other hand, this influence is also about shattering stereotypes and getting over limitations in the bedroom. This month, you finally feel in control of your finances after a long summer of overspending and vigilant attention to your budget. On the eighth, Venus enters your sign, increasing your desire to spend money on your appearance and well-being. Use the credit card with the airline points if the moon eclipse on the 28th will provide you extra options for travel and learning!
Libra (September 23 - October 21)
Happy return of the sun, Libra! You had a busy and social summer, but October is all about setting things back in the background. On the 8th, your ruling planet Venus moves into Virgo and your unconscious sector, focusing your attention on relaxation and renewal. You can decide to organize a small retreat with a limited group of friends rather than a large birthday celebration. You hit the height of your tiredness around the time of the solar eclipse on the 14th, which only pushes you deeper into hibernation mode. The mood is largely napping, but you're also experiencing spiritual and mental health breakthroughs that give you the courage to let go of things that are no longer useful. Whether you're single or in a relationship, you only want to go on pajama-clad date evenings this month. The past two years have been disappointing in terms of love, despite the bold new direction you felt for your love life at the full moon in Aries on September 29. However, you can have faith that a new beginning is imminent. For you, relationships and money go hand in hand in a manner that they don't for others. Your bank account is steady when you're in love, but when you're brokenhearted, you're running up credit card debt. You have the chance to begin completely reconstructing your financial situation this month. You will be blessed with the opportunity to pay off obligations that have been dragging you down for weeks, months, or even years thanks to the lunar eclipse on the 28th.
Scorpio (October 22 - November 21)
You've been in a holding pattern since the end of August, and it's still going. However, instead of feeling hopeless and defeated, you are prepared to leave it, and you do so strongly. On the 12th, your ruling planet Mars enters your sign, restoring your position of authority. You're back in charge at last! Just remember to take good care of yourself because this impact can potentially cause injuries and inflammation. Around the time of the solar eclipse on the 14th, mental health breakthroughs enable you to let go of baggage and spend more time doing the things you love. Even though eclipses cause a rocky start to your season on the 23rd, you should be thankful that you've finally emerged from your protracted funk. Despite some lingering disruption. A narrative that has been unfolding since November 2021 is brought to a close by the moon eclipse in Taurus on the 28th. What's one more step outside of your comfort zone when you've learned so much about yourself and what you need from your relationships over the past two years? You might want to wait before entering into any financial commitments, especially when it comes to debts, loans, and partnerships, as planets are building up in your unconscious sector for the first few days of the month. You will be in a better position to manage your cash flow once your season starts on the 23rd.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
"I'm not here to make friends" is your guiding principle for October. Developing your daily tasks and habits took up a large portion of September, and the hustle is still going strong! Building your image while continuing the grind is your major priority this month, whether you're looking for work, switching careers, or hoping for a promotion. Venus spends most of October in your sector of public image, which makes you well-liked by superiors and significant clients and causes people to pay more attention than normal to what you're doing at work. Your attention changes to behind-the-scenes chores as you feel increased pressure to make an impression once the Scorpio season starts on the 23rd. There is a lot of stress going on, so practice being kind to yourself. Your social life is generally a significant focus during the Libra season, but this year, setting boundaries is more important than making new acquaintances. If you're single, your friends or coworkers may introduce you to someone fresh. Your yearly hermit behavior returns as you and your loved ones prioritize self-care throughout the Scorpio season. Your financial situation is always rocky during eclipse season. It might happen sooner than you anticipate, especially around the time of the solar eclipse on the 14th. If you had assumed you would have to wait several months to a year to receive a significant raise.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
You're tired of working hard to advance and it's October. The solar eclipse in Libra on the 14th will have a significant impact on your job and public image, but it will be more about defining your positions than it will be about garnering attention. You're eager to devote more time to your friendships now that you're spending less time at work, but you discover that they are also changing. Your oldest pals may be starting families, moving away, or simply too busy to hang out. Spend some time this month learning about the happenings in your neighborhood. Joining a book club, helping out at the local compost drop-off, or attending a concert at the local music venue can all help you meet new people. Your relationships will likely be in a state of flux during eclipse season. Your role is to stay alert as things unfold as your spouse may be coping with huge work changes of their own, deep in a creative process, or on a fertility journey. To make sure you both feel supported, seen and heard, compromises must be made. On the 24th, a loan or increase that has been eagerly anticipated is approved. While this is cause for celebration, a friend or coworker dampens the mood by expressing their jealousy. Let this act as a reminder of who should be informed of your good news.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
You've always been a visionary, and this month is the time to polish your lofty aspirations. Although some of your friends have given you the evil eye for being so frugal this year, you are aware that what you are planning is more valuable than attending some random acquaintance's far-off wedding. The solar eclipse in Libra on the 14th allows you to reduce your alternatives, whether you're applying to graduate programs, organizing an artistic retreat, or developing the logo for your company. Your attention will move to creating a better work/life balance as you take on greater responsibility in your employment once the Scorpio season starts on the 23rd. With so much going on with your career and other ambitions this month, dating can feel like a distraction. However, when you're out "networking," you can meet someone you want to work with on both a romantic and professional level. You're currently exclusively drawn to people who share your goals. Even if you keep a limited budget, you are receiving a variety of presents as Venus transits your region of shared resources. Getting offered cocktails by a coworker, having your BFF give you some expensive perfume they "don't need" but "got for free," or finding a brand-new couch in your neighborhood Buy Nothing group are all examples of unexpected generosity.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
You're booked solid for October. You're getting your inspiration from the things around you, such as cooking more meals at home with seasonal vegetables, enrolling in a graphic design course to expand your small craft business, and binge-watching a ton of fresh television episodes. The 23rd marks the beginning of Scorpio season, during which time your attention turns to organizing your next big adventure. Dreamy travel and educational plans will come to fruition more quickly than you had anticipated. The lunar eclipse on the 28th delivers local upheavals that bring a narrative that started in November 2021 to a close. You're discovering that while it's nice to be everyone's friend and know everything, it's actually preferable to develop a close-knit inner circle. You experienced some significant relationship revelations as a result of the Mercury retrograde last month, and in October, you're ready to talk about what you learned in therapy and with close friends. If you're single, dates need to be serious or end immediately because you don't have the patience for anything casual at the moment. The 14th solar eclipse is for letting go of guilt related to debt. Now is the perfect moment to take action if you've been considering refinancing, performing a balance transfer, or humbly asking a friend for a loan because, during eclipse season, answers appear more quickly than usual. Being uncomfortable momentarily is worth the reward.
Happy Reading!
From your Int'l/EN Smeet Astrologer, :)) ə'sträləjər ((:
Reference: https://www.purewow.com/