New call for Djs/Entertainers for the EN/INT domain!


Hello Smeeters! You now have the opportunity to apply for the roles of DJ/Entertainer for the EN/INT server. Below you can see what requirements you have to meet in order to apply for the roles :)

General requirements:

- Have at least level 140.

- Must be able to speak English.

- Know and follow the Code of Conduct.

- Have a clean record or no recent sanctions.

- Know how to work in a team.

- Apply only once per role.

- Not have more than one Smeet account.

- Priority will be given to Smeeters who have never held a role before.

- Have the equipment to be able to carry out the events without problems: microphone, good internet connection, etc.

How to apply for the DJ role:

Send us an example video of what your event would look like via a Youtube link of no more than 3 minutes.

How to apply for the Entertainer role:

Send us an example video of what your event would look like via a Youtube link of no more than 3 minutes.

PLEASE NOTE THAT: Djs and entertainers are not the same. An entertainer is expected to do different types of events, games, etc., i.e. to use the microphone much more than just to play music (this is also allowed, of course).

The application for the role must be sent directly via support, with the following details: call for applications September 2022 (role you wish to apply for) your nickname, ID, level, server you belong to and what has been previously requested for each role.

Deadline: 25/09/22