Hello Smeeters!
Love is in the air...
The most romantic time of the year is coming along, as it will soon be Valentine's day!
For this occasion, we will be holding our Mr and Mrs. Smeet international contest, with an amazing party together with all the domains on the 17th of February.
For the international contest, our fantastic domain will need a female and a male candidate, so don't be shy and get in the contest showing us your best Valentine's outfits.
You can submit your outfits by sending an email to event@smeet.com. They must be submitted by Thursday, February 9th. The winners of the contest will be announced on the 13th of February.
Ecah candidate will need to submit 2 outfits. The themes for this year are: "Black & Red" & "Romantic Valentine's Date".
But that's not all! Apart from participating in the finals of Mr. & Mrs. Smeet on 17.02, the winners of this preliminary contest will receive an amazing reward, and there will be something for the 2nd and 3rd place too. Have a look below to find out what you can win:
1st place: 500 Coins, 10000 Fame Points, 15 days of GoldVIP, 8000 Dimes
2nd place: 250 Coins, 8000 Fame Points, 10 days of GoldVIP
3rd place: 150 Coins, 5000 Fame Points, 5 days of GoldVIP
Can you feel the love tonight?
We're sure you can, you just need the right outfit! <3