Dear Smeeter, nice to see you!
We have awesome news for you. Flash has been deactivated, but you are able to play sMeet comfortably without a browser with our Apps for PC. MAC, Android and iOS.
Choose one of the following links below to try the new sMeet App:
Even though the Flash Player ended, there is a way to play sMeet in the browser!
You can use Smeet with the Puffin Player. The player is only working in Chrome or Edge. Click here to play sMeet in your browser.
You also have the option to download the Puffin Browser.
Please keep in mind that this alternativ is slower then our app versions, additionally you are not able to upload pictures or use the webcam with the Puffin Player. Since the Puffin Player is a streaming service there can be a delay when you are typing.
What way to enter sMeet do you prefer? If you have any suggestions or if you want to give us feedback please send us an email to our support.
Happy Smeeting!