Prepare for a tough competition at the Smeet Highland Games!

Smeet Room Highland Games Chat Game

Grab you kilt, leave your underwear at home and come on down to the Smeet Highland Games! For the first time ever the Celtic sporting bonanza has arrived on Smeet! Arriving at the festival grounds, it’s clear some of the contestants need some help with their preparations…

First up we have the Shot Putter. He’s readying himself for the contest later on, and his extensive 'preparation' usually consists of drinking his own body weight in Mead. Not only does it help to calm the nerves, but legend has it that Mead increases your physical strength and performance! (SPOILER ALERT: It doesn’t).

There’s also another Highland Games classic, the Tug of War. Providing plenty of rope for the contestants will almost certainly be useful here; otherwise it would literally just be a bunch of wee lads and lassies standing around in a field twiddling their thumbs. Other activities include learning some traditional Celtic Dance Steps and listening to the delightful tones of the Scottish Musician playing that most polarizing of instruments – the bagpipes.

Finally there is the Food Stand. Ever had a burning desire to scoff some sheep heart/liver/lungs? Then haggis is for you. Ever been eating a Mars Bar and thought, ‘this sugary mixture of chocolate and caramel is a bit too healthy for me, I’d like to fry it’? Then a Deep-Fried Mars Bar is for you.

That’s all our ignorant minds know about Scottish food so we’ll stop the stereotyping there. We definitely won’t be making any tacky Braveheart jokes in this blog either, before you ask.

Anyway, all these activities will produce precious Highland Points, which combine with the Excitement emanating from the Stands to ensure the Celtic Strongmen can focus on the competition and perform with *FREEEEEEDDOOOOOOMMMM at the Smeet Highland Games!

Good luck Smeeters and enjoy the games!


*Sorry ;)