World Expo Challenge

World Expo Challenge

Technology has grown at an exponential rate. In a few centuries we went from sending letters that could take days or months to arrive, to sending emails that take only seconds. We also went from travelling on horseback to using trains, cars and airplanes to travel long distances in a matter of hours. And towards the last few decades, we are starting to see more and more automated machines that can be very efficient at doing certain tasks. We’re talking about Robots!

This year we will have a World Expo here on Smeet, where the world’s brightest minds get to showcase all their technological innovations. But one of the halls, hall 42, is not ready for the expo just yet; They are trying to build a robot that can solve the biggest questions and mysteries of mankind, but the project is so ambitious that it took longer than usual, and they’re running out of time!

Now finishing the robot on time is up to you. You need to help build the robot which will surely be the biggest technological demonstration during the expo, and if you manage to do that, you will earn Fame Points and Gold Boosts!


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