Find the Perfect Match at a Valentine’s singles bar!

Smeet Room Valentines Perfect Match Chat Game

Valentine’s Day is here once again. Some are doing something cheesy and romantic with their loved one. Others are hanging out with their other single friends complaining about those with loved ones. Others haven’t even noticed that the 14th of February is a date of any significance at all. People are different.

Of course, some believe that even if you haven’t found love just yet, there is no better day to start than Valentine’s Day itself! As a restaurant owner, you are aware of this clear opportunity in the market, so it’s time to organize your very own Singles Night bar event!

The Queue of Singles outside suggests the Restaurant Ads you splashed out on have done the trick – bring the paying punters to the tables and unleash them into the mingling madness.

The Waiters you have hired to work for you tonight have very specific skills for this kind of event – flower arranging skills! Use them to create Vases of Roses from which stunning Rose Bouquets can be drawn and taken to the Deluxe Tables. They are guaranteed to help love blossom this evening! The Elite Table customers will also be expecting some fancy wine, so don’t forget that either.

At the end of it all, there is a big Love Dove as the centerpiece of the restaurant, waiting to be completed with all the sweet, sweet, love that fills the air.


Happy Valentine’s Day, Smeeters, we hope you enjoy it no matter what you get up to!

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