
We are very proud to announce that the SMEET MOBILE APP is LIVE in the Google Play Store!

From now on you will be able to play sMeet on your Android phone. Since we wanted to release the app as soon as possible, there are still a few things we are working on.

As we have already announced, we are currently working on the general Smeet design. We started with changes in the Shop and next up we are working on modifying the profile designs. These changes will apply to the desktop version as well as the new app.

The YouTube Window is not yet ready for the app, but we are working on it so that you can use it in the sMeet Mobile App as well.

So far the app is not yet available for our partner accounts in Greece, Turkey or Lithuania, or for those users that connect via Facebook or Fotka, BUT we are talking to our partners in those countries to launch the sMeet App as soon as possible.

So go to the Google Playstore and download the sMeet Mobile App NOW:

Google Play Badge

Happy Smeeting!
Your Smeet Team

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