Party of the Living and the Dead

Party of the Living and the Dead

An interdimensional breach has been opened and the dead are crossing to the world of the living; Scary skeletons, witches with magic brooms and all kinds of peculiar characters are coming out of every corner wearing their spooky attires.

These creatures sure know how to have fun! And the living have decided, after hearing about all this, to throw a huge party to welcome the dead and have the best night full of fun and terror together!

The party will take place in an old abandoned mansion; It has already been decorated for the occasion and now it’s your turn to prepare the party before all the guests arrive.

What kind of spooky creatures will arrive? What do they like to do to have fun? What do zombies eat? Figure this out, prepare the party, and make sure that it becomes an unforgettable moment! Have fun while doing it and if you succeed you can earn Fame Points and a Spooky Badge.