Treasure Road is back open for business!

Treasure Road October Smeet Game Room

A new month brings with it a new edition of Treasure Road! For the whole of October there will be a prize and a voucher behind every door in the room. You will need every single voucher to claim the Grand Prize at the finale!

Each day a new door will be unlocked and you will be able to claim the prize inside in exchange for a few Dimes. It will ONLY be available for Dimes on that specific day! So box number 1 can only be opened for Dimes on 1st October, for example.

If you do miss the exact day, doors can still be opened but you will have to invest Coins instead. So make sure not to miss out and visit Teasure Road every day! Also, you will need to open all the doors and collect the Grand Prize by 1st December 2018, as you won't be able to earn any rewards (including the Grand Prize) from this edition of Treasure Road from then on!


Get moving, Smeeters! :)